The study examined the effect of land cover changes on the soil properties using GIS and remote sensing in the northern part of Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Landsat Tm of 1986, 1999 and land sat ETM of 2015 of 30m x 30m resolution were used for the land cover change analysis. Soil samples were collected from the topsoil (0-15cm depth) into well-labelled polythene bags. The soil samples were air-dried and carefully sieved with 2mm diameter mesh and taken to laboratory for some physical and chemical properties. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. Sand and clay contents were slightly higher in LNV than HV. Soil pH was slightly acidic in the entire study area. Mean total Organic C, total N, K and Na were higher in HV than LNV. However, Mg, Ca and available P were higher in LNV than HV. The study recommended that further depletion of HV should be discouraged and built up area expansion should be done carefully to prevent inadequate conservation of soil, wildlife and biodiversity.