In recent years, the damage suffered by collections exhibited in museum rooms or in storage areas has been mostly attributed to their immediate surroundings that is, to an environment characterized by certain environmental conditions that interact positively or negatively in the physical-chemical integrity of the objects. Temperature, humidity, electromagnetic radiation and environmental pollution are considered some of the agents that can deteriorate the collections. Since, generally, it is more difficult to permanently modify the environmental conditions to adapt them to the exposed collections, it is proposed here to adapt the collections to the environmental conditions when it is possible. This paper presents a development of a methodology that compares the levels measured of each environmental condition in a museum room with a table of material sensitivity, to determine the feasibility of exposure of a given object, promoting the controlled exhibition of the collections. The large volume of data obtained from the environmental measurements requires a considerable processing time, therefore, a computational process developed in LabVIEW graphic software is included in the treatment of this special information. This automation constitutes a useful technological tool that allows correcting anomalies and favouring the prevention of collection risks.