The purpose of this study was to describe the development of e-learning-based mathematics encyclopedia as a learning tools and test the validity and eligibility of e-learning based mathematics encyclopedia as a learning tools for junior high school students. The many terms and formulas in mathematics, sometimes make students difficult in learning mathematics. Students often forget to apply a formula to solve certain math problems. To help students in learning mathematics, it is necessary to make a computer software (software) through computer-based learning in the form of a mathematical encyclopedia. The development of e-learning based mathematics encyclopedia that is integrated into learning can be through the development of learning tools. This learning tools can be applied in all devices based online. The use of tools in learning is intended to be able to help overcome various obstacles in the learning process including psychological barriers, physical barriers, cultural barriers and environmental barriers. This research is a development research. In genera, this research will be implemented in three stages, namely: define, design, and develop. The define phase includes the analysis of encyclopedia; the design stage includes the preparation of draft encyclopedia. This research conducted in grade VIII Junior High School. The validation results of expert validators are as follows: encyclopedia with a value of 3, 80 with a worthy category. And the advisability result of students who get value of 3, 95 with a worthy category.