Expedition 379T of the D/V JOIDES Resolution was the first in the new NSF funded JR100 program, intended to provide the US paleoceanographic community a new way for recovering long sediment records (up to 100 meters below seafloor) outside of the IODP program. As such, it bridges between the conventional coring capability on UNOLS ships and the deep sea drilling program. The primary objective of the expedition was to investigate links between oceanographic changes at the northern margin of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and climate variability on the South American continent over the past few glacial-interglacial cycles, with a special emphasis on obtaining high-resolution records of the Eemian interval and the last two glacial terminations. Given very high sedimentation rates along the Chilean margins, the new cores will enable reconstruction of surface and intermediate water variability at centennial-tomillennial resolution, which will extend available records from previous coring expeditions