According to simulation theory, individuals live and work in hyperreality. Digitalization transforms the real into simulacra as the world morph into a virtual world. Individuals are represented by their digital twins in the digital world where new possibilities endure. Digital twins transport individuals to the digital world as virtual representatives of real ones. Life in the digital world is almost indistinguishable from reality. It is additionally conceivable to play games in this new environment. Playing games is a crucial determinant in educational life and meeting various needs such as training and relish in adulthood. With the acceleration of digitalization, playing games are transumed to an actor. Digital gaming brings an opportunity for talented individuals to generate an income through social network broadcasting. It is an environment that has emerged in which individuals may meet digitally rather than physically. In this environment, individuals may mentally organize all sports activities as playing chess, face their opponents in the computer environment, and gather fans. In such digital platforms as Twitch and YouTube, gamers may demonstrate e-sports skills to the related audience. Furthermore, advertising in digital games is a win-to-win method to reach generation Z. Digital gamers who broadcast through the social network may monetize their online gaming activities. This research focuses on digital gaming and advertising. Results of the study in which is conducted with a qualitative method with eight interviewers are provided. Participants selected are among individuals who display and monetize their digital gaming skills on the Twitch platform. The findings briefly indicate that individuals who play digital games are achievement-oriented, have a sense of competing, and seize opportunities. According to the results, it can be seen as the digital gamers and gaming industry are new to the Turkish gaming business and face some disadvantages along with opportunities.