This research study has mainly focused on major leadership styles of teacher at secondary level of school. The study aims to find out the disparity in the practice of leadership styles of the public secondary school teachers. The study is aimed to examine the disparity between the practices of leadership styles among secondary school teachers. This study employed a descriptive survey research design and quantitative in nature. This study was also conducted on the practice of leadership style among teachers. The population for this study was the teachers of Government High Schools of both boys and girls of Model Town of District Lahore, Punjab. There are 5 Government High Schools were selected randomly out of 50 public schools of Model Town, Lahore. In this study there is no significant difference between the practice of leadership style of teachers at public secondary school of Model Town, Lahore. Both male and female teachers have complete access to these leadership style to increase the academic achievements of students. According to the finding of this study the following suggestion were made that teacher should use both autocratic and democratic styles of leadership to increase the achievement of students at public school level. Government should arrange the training seminar on leadership styles where school teacher can easily learn about leadership styles to development of educational organization