Dry and wet Seasonal variability of heavy metal levels in water, fish (B. leuciscus) and sediments was conducted in Kiri reservoir, Adamawa State Nigeria. Water, Fish (B. leuciscus) and Sediments were collected in triplicate from three sampling sites bi-weekly for the period of six (6) months. March, April and May (dry season) and June, July and August (wet season), 2022. Water, fish (B. leuciscus) and sediments were digested following the standard methods (APHA, 2005). Heavy metals Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn, and Fe were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Data obtained were subjected to descriptive analysis to establish means, standard errors and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the mean significant at P< 0.05. All the heavy metals investigated were detected in water, fish (B. leuciscus) and sediments in both dry and wet season and were higher in dry season when compared with the wet season. Pb and Cd in water slightly exceeded WHO (2022) recommended permissible limit. Kiri reservoir has higher heavy metals water, fish (Brycinus leuciscus) and ediments in dry season when compared to wet season but not beyond the recommended limit suggested by WHO, 2004 except Pb and Cd which were beyond recommended limit in water. Therefore water of Kiri reservoir is moderately polluted with Pb and Cd.