Distributed generation (DG) is a new and renewable power source with small generation capacity, which is connected to a distribution network system. DG generators commonly implemented are Solar Energy Power (SEP), Wind Energy Power (WEP), Biomass Energy Power (BEP), Microhydro Energy Power (MHEP), and other renewable plants. When a distribution system are injected a voltage source or other generation sources, the behavior and performance of the system will change either in a steady state or in a dynamic state. In this study, the Pujon-Malang Indonesia Feeder which is a real distribution system, with a voltage level of 20 kV was used to investigate the effects of renewable energy generation on the existing system. Based on existing potential, renewable plants that will be implemented are Wind Energy Power (WEP) and Microhydro Energy Power (MHEP). The injection of DGs can be used to meet the electricity needs of the system and improve the voltage and power loss profile on the system. The injection of DGs give a dynamic system effect that is better than the system before DG injection. The condition of the system before and after DGs injection show that the power system remain stable and still within the tolerable limits allowed.