Assessment for Learning (AfL) and Assessment as Learning (AaL) are gaining increasing prominence, especially in university EFL writing lessons. This study sheds light on the practices and values of Indonesian EFL writing teachers towards AfL and AaL strategies during the constrained context of online learning setting because of the COVID-19 pandemic. By using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis, the explanatory sequential mixed method was used in conjunction with a case study research design. Quantitative data were obtained from 54 teachers who responded to the AfL and AaL Strategy Questionnaire (AfL-AaLSQ), indicating their practices and values of AfL-AaL strategies. Meanwhile, the qualitative data were the results of interview sessions with seven selected participants, who described their practices and values in detail. The findings show that all respondents accorded high importance to all AfL-AaL strategies and rated themselves as frequently implementing the AfL-AaL strategies. In both practice and values, the highest mean value was obtained for" providing assessment criteria", and the lowest for "peer and self-assessment". Interestingly, the charting of the mean scores shows a persistent gap between lower-rated practices and the higher-rated values. finally, several reasons, including the effect of the constrained context, and ramifications of this discovery are examined in depth.