The aim of this research is to determine the effect of the flipped education model (TEEM) on traditional methods and to develop a general opinion. In this study, meta-analysis method was used to synthesize the results of independent experimental studies examining the effect of flipped education model on academic achievement. The studies included in the study cover the years 2015-2021. The number of studies included in the research is 35. These studies were accessed from electronic resource search bases. Ulakbim, Google Academic and Council of Higher Education Council Thesis Center (CoHE) were used as the database. Statistical analyzes and effect size calculations were performed with the CMA 2.0 package program. The g value of the effect size Hedge was calculated for each study that made up the data set. As a result of this study, it was concluded that the effect of TEEM on the academic success of the students was high. It was concluded that the effect of TEEM on the academic success of the students did not differ according to the academic field, teaching level, role of the researcher, report type and publication year moderator variables. This study focused only on the academic success of students. In addition, this study focused only on studies conducted in Turkey and published in Turkish. In future studies, the effect of the flipped education model on students' thinking skills, problem solving skills and social affective skills can be examined.