A field experiment was conducted at Mountain Research Centre for Field Crops, Khudwani during kharif, 2009, 2010 and 2011 to assess the effect of nitrogen application and fungicidal sprays on rice blast disease using local popular susceptible variety (K-448) and resistant variety (Shalimar Rice-1). Leaf and neck blast was reduced by 19.6 and 15.6 per cent at recommended dose of nitrogen (120Kg/ha) in susceptible variety (Jehlum), respectively. Single spray of tricyclazole 65 WP (0.06%) along with recommended dose of nitrogen recorded leaf and neck blast control of 49.4 and 85.5 per cent as against 26.7 and 23.4 per cent, respectively, with higher dose of nitrogen. Need based sprays of tricyclazole 65 WP (0.06%) reduced leaf blast by 85.5 and 67.5 per cent and neck blast by 91.0 and 77.8 per cent with recommended and higher dose of nitrogen, respectively. Higher rate of nitrogen application in resistant variety (SR-1) showed non significant effect on blast severity. SR 1 with recommended dose of nitrogen recorded higher yield (64.6 q/ha) and net returns (Rs. 51272/ha), followed by Jehlum with the application of recommended dose of nitrogen and need based sprays of tricyclazole.