Guava is known to be the cheapest and richest source of vitamin C and calcium in Pakistan. Guava fruit is also a good source of polyphenols and its extract has anti-microbial properties. Consumption of drink with guava pulp will aid in population health. Freshly harvested graded, ripened and fully matured guava were pulped and preserved chemically. The drinks with different concentration of pulp were made and preserved by chemicals. The samples were analyzed for physicochemical characteristics and sensory evaluation was carried out after suitable time intervals. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. The analysis of variance and the significant of different were determined by Duncan’s multiple range tests. The drink prepared with 8 percent pulp concentration (T2) was found to be the best so for as sensory evaluation and processing was concerned. Physicochemical analysis of drink showed that acidity and reducing sugar contents increased with storage, while pH and ascorbic acid of the drink decreased. Total soluble solids of the drink remained constant.