The aim of the study is to determine effect of environmental education based on transformational learning theory on primary school teacher candidates’ perceptions towards environmental problems and permanency of learning. Pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design have been used in this study. The study group consists of 66 teacher candidates who were continuing their education in fourth grade in Primary School Teaching Department of Faculty of Education in Kastamonu University in two different sections in fall term of 2014-2015 academic years. One of the section has been selected as experimental group (N= 32) and the other section has been selected as control group (N= 34) with random assignment method. Environmental problem knowledge test, responsibility behavior scale towards environment and the scale of attitude towards environmental problems have been used as data gathering tools. In order to compare average scores of the groups, t-test has been used for independent groups. According to findings, there was a statistically significant difference between experimental and control groups’ knowledge and retention test in favor of experimental group. Also there was a statistically significant difference between experimental and control groups’ responsibility scale and attitude scale scores in favor of experimental group.