This study presents the effect of different inorganic salt solutions(KCl, BaCl2, MgCl2, KNO3, Na2SO4and MgSO4) at different concentrations on geotechnical properties(Atterberg Limits) of kaolinite material which can be used as impermeablebottom liner in barrier systems. Since the use of distilled water or tap wateris far from being representative of the in-situ conditions in landfills, saltsolutions were used to investigate the leachate effect on liner materials.Additionally, the mineralogical characterization of kaolinite was studied. Atterberg limits, specifically the liquidlimit (LL) and plastic limit (PL) that were used for classifying the clayeysoil samples according to the Unified Soil Classification System weredetermined whereas mineralogical studies performed included XRD, BET and FT-IRanalyses. Results indicated that all salt solutions have a considerable effecton the consistency limits of kaolinite. The liquid limit values of kaolinitedecreased with increasing chemical concentration whereas plastic limit valuesincreased. It is observed that the effects of the divalent and trivalentcations on kaolinite were more apparent than those of monovalent cations. As aresult chemical solutions decrease liquid limit values of high plasticitykaolinite materials, tend to reduce thethickness of the DDL and flocculate the kaolinite particles, resulting inreduction of swelling and increasing of hydraulic conductivity.