The experiment was conducted at Regional Research Station, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Karnal, Haryana (India), on the plant-ratoon crops of sugarcane in sequence. The treatment consisted of control, application of recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF), 75% RDF, 75% RDF+ bio-fertilizers, 50% RDF, 50% RDF+ Bio-fertilizers, recommended N+ phosphorus (P) as rock phosphate (RP), 100% recommended N+ P as RP+ Bio-fertilizers, 100% recommended N+ 50% P as RP+ Bio-fertilizers, 50% recommended N+ 50% P as RP+ Bio-fertilizers. In both plant and ratoon crop the application of 75% RDF+ Bio-fertilizers or recommended N+ P as RP+ Bio-fertilizers produced equal cane yield, yield attributing characters and juice quality (CCS%) to RDF. The application of 75% RDF, 50% RDF with or without Biofertilizers, 100% recommended N+ P as RP, 100% or 50% recommended N+ 50% P as RP+ Bio-fertilizer produced significantly lower cane yield and juice quality than the RDF alone. In both plant and ratoon crops enumeration of Azotobacter, PSB, fungi, bacteria, Actinomycetes in rhizosphere indicated that the population of all the groups was higher when bio-fertilizers were applied in combination with inorganic fertilzers, highest being with 75% RDF+ Bio-fertilizers.