This experiment was conducted to study the effect of strains of local hens and egg storage period at temperature (25°C) on egg quality traits. Twenty chickens of each genotype were kept in family pens and randomly distributed into two replicates. Nine eggs from each line were evaluated for external and internal egg quality. The correlations between external and internal egg quality traits were calculated; as well the regression of the traits on storage period was computed. The overall mean of egg weight (EW), egg index (EI), haugh unit (HU), albumin (AP) and yolk (YP) percentages were 58.44 (g), 1.31%, 77.67%, 55.22% and 29.26% respectively. The differences between lines were significant (P<0.01) in EW and EI, while the differences in HU were significant due to storage period only. Differences in EW and EI due to the interaction between lines and storage period were significant, while the differences in HU were significant only between line (3) and (4) at storage period (1 day). It was shown that the differences between lines in albumin (AP) and yolk (YP) percentages were significant. Storage period has no effect on AP, whereas the differences were significant in YP. Also the differences in AP and YP due to the interaction between lines and storage periods were significant. Values of correlation ranged between -0.61 (P<0.01) between EI and AP and 0.44 (P<0.01) between EW and AP. A non-significant regressions on storage period for all lines were -0.09, -0.01, -0.47, -0.16 and 0.07 for EW, EI, HU, AP and YP respectively. Values of the regression on storage period calculated for each line were not significant except of AP in line 3 (-0.62) which indicated that the increase in storage period will decrease AP significantly (P<0.01). It can be concluded that the quality of egg may be affected by lines and length of storage period.