Autistic disorder is a disorder or developmental disorder in social interaction and communication and is characterized by limited activity and interest. One type of autism is Asperger Syndrome is a personal qualitative weakness in communicating and social interaction. Just like any other autistic child with Asperger's Syndrome, it is very difficult to understand emotions. Limitations in expressing and understanding emotions cause children with Asperger's Syndrome to retreat socially like aloof, indifferent, less interested in others, lack empathy, think in one direction, and think hard. Therefore it is necessary to apply play therapy for children with Asperger Syndrome disorder by using Android Mobile-based robot as a robot control tool. Wheel-shaped robot or wheeled robot with work area in the form of obstacles and obstacles with the aim that there is a challenge to run the robot. Research using Pre experimental design. The population in sampling is 15 children. Children with Asperger's Syndrome take the 6 -12 year age example at special school for Pekanbaru children. Data collection to assess the outcome of play therapy using Mobile robot, the data collected were analyzed by descriptive analysis and Rank Wilcoxon test. The main purpose of this study is the influence or effectiveness of the use of android-based mobile robots as a control tool against Asperger's Syndrome disorder in children in independent schools Pekanbaru to communicate and interact socially.