tall fescue that affects performance; however, little information is available pertaining to its
effects on immunity. Recently, it has been shown that supplemental CP can improve
performance in weaned steers postvaccination. Thus, the objective of this study was to
evaluate the effect of supplemental CP on innate and adaptive immune responses in stocker
steers chronically exposed to ergovaline. Angus steers (n= 12 pens; 3 steers/pen) were …
Fescue toxicosis is a multifaceted syndrome common in cattle grazing endophyte-infected
tall fescue and is detrimental to growth and performance. Recent research has shown that
supplementing protein has the potential to enhance growth performance in weaned steers.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplemental CP on
physiological parameters in stocker steers experiencing fescue toxicosis. Thirty-six weaned
Angus steers (6 mo of age) stratified by weight (196.1±3.6 kg) were assigned to a 2× 2 …