A method is described to detect Cu(II) and Cu(I) added as bromide simultaneously in styrene solution containing tetrahexylammoniumperchloraat (THAP) as supporting electrolyte. It was found that Cu(II) and Cu(I) behave similarly in styrene and in aqueous solution. Reduction of Cu(II) and Cu(I) to metallic copper, as well as oxidation of Cu(I) to Cu(II) and the dissolution of a deposited metallic copper layer are observed. Ohmic drop problems were circumvented by adding THAP to the styrene solution and using ultramicro electrodes. The simultaneous detection of Cu(II) and Cu(I) is based on recording a cyclic voltammetric curve in a mixture of these compounds and calculating their concentration from the cathodic limiting current obtained at −0.80 V vs. RE and the anodic stripping peak corresponding to the dissolution of metallic copper. A detection limit of 2.0×10−4 mol l−1 was obtained for both Cu(II) and Cu(I) and reproducible results were obtained concerning sensitivity and stability of the calibration curves.