Since the screening current induced in rare earth-barium-copper-oxide (REBCO) magnet generates an irregular magnetic field, a few screening current simulation methods have been proposed. For an insert REBCO magnet generating ultra-high magnetic field, a new screening current method has been proposed with consideration of the coil-deformation effect. In this article, we have developed a new screening current method based on a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model coupling with a two-dimensional stress finite element analysis to accurately the time-transient distribution of accurate screening current. In the presented method, the changes of self/mutual inductances are considered due to the coil deformation. As the simulation results, it was found that the coil deformation affected the screening current distribution. When considering the coil deformations, the screening current-induced fields to operating current are different for charging cycles. It is necessary to simulate the coil deformation to accurately estimate the screening current and the screening current-induced field.