online learning during the 19th period to save the vital role of education itself, especially the
opportunity for the principal as a leader in the school environment to give influence to the
teacher in the distance learning process (online), as well as providing safety for many
people, especially for students to avoid covid19. This study is a study that uses a literature
review method that is where the authors make observations and reviews as well as …
Abstract Muhammadiyah Development Partnership Program (PKPM) through the internal
funding of Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra was conducted to assist teachers in
managing active learning through the MIKIR strategy (Experiencing, Interaction,
Communication, and Reflection). The PKM activity partners are two schools from among the
UMSU partner schools, namely SD Muhammadiyah 12 Medan. Specific targets to be
achieved through the implementation of PKPM activities produce professional and skilled …