Spintronic-based computing-in-memory (CiM) architecture has emerged as one of the efficient solutions to eliminate the latency/bandwidth bottleneck of conventional von-Neumann architecture. Voltage-controlled spin–orbit torque (SOT) memory offers ultralow power and high-speed operation among the various spintronic memories. In this article, advanced encryption standard (AES) system within CiM architecture using voltage-controlled SOT device has been presented. The entire encryption process is performed within the high-density spintronic-based memory array to achieve low power and high processing speed. The reconfigurable logic operations and random key generation for AES are achieved by using a single voltage-controlled SOT device within the memory array. The results show that the proposed architecture is 96%, 52.1%, and 14% more efficient in terms of energy consumption, throughput, and area, respectively, when compared with one of the most efficient SOT-based AES systems.