This study aims to improve the production performance of Murrah buffalo which covers average weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion by increasing probiotic feed. The research was conducted on the herd of Murrah buffalo at Kelok Rambai, Kapau Village, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Fifteen Murrah buffaloes with three to five years of age were used in the research. There were three treatments conducted including P1= basal feed+ probiotics; P2= P1+ concentrate (cassava leaf pellet); and P3= P1+ commercial concentrate (pellet). All three treatments were also given 7 cc/head/month of probiotics. The results of the study with probiotic feeding on Murrah buffalo showed the average feed consumption of P2 (36.55), P3 (35.99), P1 (35.74) and daily weight gain (DWG) P2 (1.09 kg/head/day), P3 (0.91 kg/head/day), P1 (0.55 kg/head/day) did not show a significant difference, while in feed conversion, P2 (0.68), P1 (0.46), P3 (0. 31) it showed a significant difference (p> 0.05). This study concludes that the provision of basal ration plus cassava leaf pellets showed significant results on feed conversion in Murrah buffalo but did not show significant differences in feed consumption and DWG. However, it showed a substantial enough average of P2 that could be used as a feed supplement in Murrah buffalo.