The study examined the influence of environmental factors on Nomadic education goals’ achievement in Plateau State. A descriptive survey of correlation types was adopted for the study. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select respondents. The respondents comprised of Nomadic education headteachers, teachers, Assistant teacher’s village heads, students. Also 500 respondents were selected from 63(37.1%) out of 175 nomadic primary schools in Plateau State. Two research questions were asked and four research hypotheses were generated to guide the study. Environmental factors for nomadic education goals Achievement Questionnaire (EFNEGAQ) and structured interview were used for data collections. The instruments were validated by the experts in social sciences and education. Split-half reliability method was used to determine the level of reliability of the instrument. The result was correlated using Spearman Ranking Order statistics at .05 significance level. The index of 0.67 shows that the instrument was reliable. The research questions were answered using percentages while research hypotheses were tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistics at .05 significance level. The findings of the study indicate that environmental factors like weather condition, cultural factors and school location have negative influence on the Nomadic education goals achievement in Plateau State. It was however recommended that adequate motivation should be given to both the teachers and students, that the nomadic education should integrate early childhood education into the system. The recommendations will enhance positive goals achievement of Nomadic Education in Plateau State.