Dermatomycosis in domestic animals is of considerable economic importance due to its frequent occurrence. The present study was undertaken to investigate epidemiological aspects of the disease and to evaluate efficacy of polyherbal preparation in treatment of dermatomycosis in 32 cattle. Age-wise distribution of dermatomycosis was found to be maximum in 5 to 8 year age group (43.75%) followed by 9 to 12 years (31.25%) and least in cattle of 1 to 4 years of age group (25%). Breed-wise highest incidence of dermatomycosis was recorded in non-descript cattle (59.37%) followed by Red Kandhari cattle (31.25%) and least in Deoni cattle (9.37%). Sex-wise distribution of dermatomycosis revealed cent per cent incidence in males. Out of 32 dermatomycosis affected males, 87.50% were castrated and 12.50% were non castrated one. The characteristic skin lesions were invariably noticed over hump, back and head. Initially erection and thinning of hairs, accompanied by itching and exudation was noticed at the affected site. This was followed by variable degree of alopecia and formation of grayish-white dry crusts at the site. In later stages, thickening of skin with increase in size and number of lesions was observed. The lesions were dry and pruritus was severe. Affected animals were treated with polyherbal spray (Vetomax spray) containing Panchgun tail, Indradaru and Saral. Out of 32 animals treated, 30 were completely recovered within 60 days indicating 93.75 per cent efficacy. Two animals did not recover even by 60 days of treatment due to irregular treatment. Being aerosol spray, it is convenient for application by the farmer or owner. It also saves the efforts of bringing the animal to the hospital for follow up treatment and has no side effects.