The ratio of dependence of the elderly to the productive age in Indonesia continues to increase which correlates with the need for facilities. One of the facilities needed and commonly used together with the productive age is the bathroom. Most Indonesians have permanent bathtubs and toilet squats that cause the elderly to move with a hunched and crouched posture, endangering the safety and health of the elderly and the potential for MSDs. The purpose of this study is to design bathroom activity aids that are safe for the elderly and can still be used by the productive age. The methods used are NBM, REBA, and anthropometry. The results of the study found 1 elderly at “high” NBM risk, 15 at “Medium” risk, and 14 at “Low” risk. REBA calculations found 1 “High” risk posture and 2 “Medium” risk postures. The recommended aids is the “Multifunctional Bath Chair” designed with SOLIDWORKS with an Anthropometric adjustable size. Aids are designed for bathing, urination or defecation activities that can be folded against the wall. Of the 3 proposed postures that Mannequin CATIA simulated, it resulted in a decrease in the risk level of REBA after using the tool, thereby reducing the risk of MSDs complaints in the elderly.