Total Suspended Matter (TSM) are fine materials which suspended and floated in water column. Water column could be turbid due to TSM that reduces the depth of light penetration and causes low productivity in coastal waters. The objective of this study was to estimate TSM concentration using Landsat 8 OLI data in Lombok coastal waters Indonesia by using empirical and analytic approach between three visible bands of Landsat 8 OLI subsurface reflectance (OLI 2, OLI 3 and OLI 4) and field data. The accuracy of model was tested using error estimation and statistical analysis. Colour of waters, transparency and reflectance values showed, the clear water has high transparency and low reflectance while the turbid waters have low transparency and high reflectance. The estimation of TSM concentrations in Lombok coastal waters are 0.39 to 20.7 mg/l. TSM concentrations becoming high when it is on coast and low when it is far from the coast. The statistical analysis showed that TSM model from Landsat 8 OLI data could describe TSM from field measurement with correlation 91.8% and RMSE value 0.52. The t-test and f-test showed that the TSM derived from Landsat 8 OLI and TSM measured in field were not significantly different.