The quality of the data coded based on the 10 th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) can be improved by providing continuous education and promoting the clinical coders’ knowledge and skills. Due to the significance of maternal health in promoting the health of society, the present study evaluated the effects of an in-service training workshop on ICD-10 coding instructions of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium for clinical coders. This applied evaluation study was conducted to evaluate the effects of a coding instructions training course focusing on the 15 th chapter of the ICD-10. The statistical population comprised 45 clinical coders working in the hospitals. The data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire scored on a five-point Likert scale at the reaction level and by pretest and posttest questionnaires at the learning level. The data were then analyzed by descriptive statistics at the reaction level and by a paired-samples t-test at the learning level. The participants’ satisfaction with the training course was 94.7% on average at the reaction level. At the learning level, the results of the paired-samples t-test showed a significant difference between the means of scores before and after the training course (p= 0.000). The training course led to satisfaction and enhanced the capabilities of the clinical coders with regard to coding the 15 th chapter of ICD-10. Clinical Coders must receive training on the new changes and guidelines in the other chapters of ICD-10 based on its most recent revision and employ them in the workplace.