The Army Corps of Engineers for decades has used two primary metrics to prioritize maintenance activities for coastal navigation projects: cargo tonnage at the project associated port and the controlling depth in the navigation channel relative to the project design depth. These metrics are generated through normal business practices and provide some insight into the relative importance (tonnage) of the port and the condition (controlling depth) of the channel. They have been incorporated into a risk-based framework that drives funds toward locations where project conditions have declined and the consequences of failure are high. With the maturation of a suite of technology programs, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has an emerging capability to hindcast the underkeel clearance of vessels that transited through maintained waterways at the reach level. This study demonstrates an underkeel clearance-based assessment of shipping through the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River over the span of three years by combining marine vessel automatic identification system data, tidal predictions, channel bathymetric surveys, and records of vessel sailing draft from entrances and clearances to domestic ports. The Southwest Pass is prone to rapid and widespread sedimentation and has received in excess of $100M annually for maintenance dredging in the last decade. Mobilizing dredges to this area in response to emergent sedimentation scenarios has proved disruptive to other dredging projects on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, all of which rely on a finite fleet of dredges to maintain our Nation's navigable waterways. Underkeel clearance-based performance is assessed at varying timescales in context of operational parameters such as draft restrictions limiting the size of vessels authorized to transit through the channel. Assessment of the spatial distribution of vessel traffic with respect to channel shoaling is also made.