sequencing an attractive approach for many genome analysis tasks. Increasing read
lengths, improving quality and the production of increasingly larger numbers of usable
sequences per instrument-run continue to make whole-genome assembly an appealing
target application. In this paper we evaluate the feasibility of de novo genome assembly from
short reads (≤ 100 nucleotides) through a detailed study involving genomic sequences of …
Correction: Evaluation of Methods for De Novo Genome Assembly from High-Throughput
Sequencing Reads Reveals Dependencies That Affect the Quality of the Results - PMC …
Correction: Evaluation of Methods for De Novo Genome Assembly from High-Throughput
Sequencing Reads Reveals Dependencies That Affect the Quality of the Results … The
Competing Interests statement should read as follows: The authors have read the journal's
policy on competing interests and have the following conflicts. Niina Haiminen and Laxmi …