The present study explores how gender, ethnicity, and performance-based perceived competence impact students’ learning, performance, and enjoyment from playing a digital STEM learning game. We had 199 9th-11th grade students play a 2D digital STEM learning game across six science classes. Based on the results of demographic surveys, matched pretests and posttests, and satisfaction questionnaires, we found no interaction between gender and ethnicity for performance-based perceived competence, performance, and enjoyment. We found a significant difference between males and females in performance-based perceived competence and in-game performance both favoring males over females. Among ethnic groups, we found a significant difference with in-game performance favoring White and Hispanic students over Black/African American students. However, the differences in gender and in ethnicity were insignificant once we controlled for both perceived competence and pretest scores. This supports the idea that neither race nor gender truly influence one’s ability to perform in digital learning games.