Reactions of cerium oxide cluster anions with carbon monoxide are investigated by time-of-flight mass spectrometry and density functional theory computations aided with molecular dynamics simulations. Interesting size-dependent reactivity of the CenO2n+1– cluster series with n = 1–21 is observed: (1) the small n = 1–3 clusters have no or very low reactivity toward CO, (2) the large n = 4–21 clusters can oxidize CO to produce CO2, and (3) the n = 4 (Ce4O9–), 6 (Ce6O13–), 7 (Ce7O15–), and 12 (Ce12O25–) clusters have relatively higher reactivity than their neighboring systems Ce3O7–, Ce5O11–, Ce8O17–, etc. Theoretical study indicates that the CenO2n+1– clusters contain oxygen-centered radicals (O–•) and the nature of the spin density distributions within the clusters controls the experimentally observed size-dependent reactivity. The experiment and theory in this study suggest that the metal oxide clusters as large as Ce21O43– can contain the reactive O–• centers, at which the size may be large enough to mimic related active sites in condensed phase catalysts. Oxidation of CO by O2 at low temperature is of widespread importance and reactive oxygen species including O–• are usually involved. The nature of the O–• radicals is demonstrated to be able to further address the goodness of nanocrystalline CeO2 in the low-termperautre CO oxidation.