New experimental data are reported for water based nanofluids to enhance the heat transfer performance of a car radiator. ZnO nanoparticles have been added into base fluid in different volumetric concentrations (0.01%, 0.08%, 0.2% and 0.3%). The effect of these volumetric concentrations on the heat transfer performance for car radiator is determined experimentally. Fluid flow rate has been varied in a range of 7–11 LPM (liter per minute) (corresponding Reynolds number range was 17,500–27,600). Nanofluids showed heat transfer enhancement compared to the base fluid for all concentrations tested. The best heat transfer enhancement up to 46% was found compared to base fluid at 0.2% volumetric concentration. A further increase in volumetric concentration to 0.3% has shown a decrease in heat transfer enhancement compared to 0.2% volumetric concentration. Fluid inlet temperature was kept in a range of 45–55 °C. An increase in fluid inlet temperature from 45 °C to 55 °C showed increase in heat transfer rate up to 4%.