Organic agriculture in developing countries is becoming a tool for socio-economic development and is supported by various international and national development initiatives. In India spices being major contributors to national income, are gaining attentions regarding the organic farming practices. Present study conducted in Idukki district of Kerala was aimed to identify the extent of adoption of various recommended practices and reasons for adopting organic cultivation practices of cardamom. Data were collected from 120 respondents, comprising 90 organic and 30 inorganic cardamom farmers’ which were selected through multistage sampling procedure. The results of the study on different aspects of extent of adoption in case of organic and inorganic farmers clearly showed that most of the practicing farmers were innovative in the complete adoption of the relevant technologies. Organic cardamom growers were found to be more innovative in the adoption of practices like planting material selection, the water and soil conservation technologies, and plant protection measures contributing higher benefit for the overall improvement of their farmland and the income generating capacity of farmers. The apprehension for the pollution free environment, chemical free produce, and increased demand for the organic cardamom in the international and the domestic markets horde farmers briskly to adopt organic farming practices in cardamom.