The research aimed at determining factors influencing acceptance of mobile applications in enterprise management specifically testing whether relationship exists between demographic features, Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Risk (PR); and acceptance of mobile money payment among micro and small enterprises in Kisumu City, Kenya. The research exhibited descriptive correlational research design enabling the researcher to determine the strength of relationship between the variables of the study and the study employed simple random and purposive sampling technique for selection of the samples. The questionnaires were administered by the researcher with the help of two research assistants to the MSE‟ s Owners in Kisumu City CBD. A total of 271 respondents returned their questionnaires, resulting in a response rate of 95.8% which was considered satisfactory for subsequent analysis. Due to the quantitative nature of the study, the results were analyzed with statistical tools using mean, mode, median, frequency tables and multiple regression. The results indicated that Demographic features, PU, PEOU and PR are significantly related to acceptance of MMP. PEOU was found to be the most influential determinant of acceptance with r= 0.872, p-value= 0.013 at 0.05% significant level. The analysis also revealed that PR on MMP was the major hindrance of users accepting the technology with a negatively strong relationship of r value=-0.548 and p value= 0.003. The study also established joint contributions of the four independent variables on acceptance of MMP but failed to establish the individual contribution of each independent variable on MMP hence there is need for further studies.