Failure pattern of four anisotropic schistose rocks have been critically examined in macro and micro scale. Specimens tested at different orientation (β) varid from 0 to 90° with respect to major principal stress direction (σ1) in unconfined and confined state upto 100 MPa of σ3. Quartzitic and Chlorite schists due to presence of continuous weakness planes exhibit “axial cleavage monofracture and multifracture” pattern in unconfined state which is typicall of hard fine grained rocks. Where as Quartz mica and Biotite schists due to absence of persistent continuous foliation plane and being coarse grained exhibit “multi shear cataclasis failure pattern”. The former two rocks undergo violent brittle failure changing to monfracture type at all orientations and “Saw—tooth structure is observed in SEM. The two latter rocks undergo shear failure at all orientations and confining pressures. Their fracture system make an oblique angle with σ1 at all σ3 in macro scale. Micro-fracturing pattern for Quartz mica schist is of grain boundary crack pattern and SEM shows high density cracks for Biotite schist due to higher content of Biotite.