The photodiode e of BT/Si film has successfully fabricated by growing BT on the surface of the p-type Si (100) substrate using the hydrothermal method. BT films were made after preparing TiO2 film and deposited on a Si substrate via screen printing method. The structural, optical, electrical properties of the fabricated films were done. The morphology and distribution of the BT nanoparticles were homogenous and in the form of nanorods of 1.5 micron height through FESEM image. The IV characteristic was conducted in dark and illuminate conditions with a Xenon lamp. The crystallite D size and strain were calculated using the Williamson Hall plot of BT film. The band gap of BT film is calculated using the Tauc and reflection method. The value of the energy gap extracted using the reflection method was greater than it was when using the Tawc method. The dark and (b) illuminated (JV) characteristics have measured under simulated AM1 conditions for a BT/Si photodiode. The BT/Si film begins to become more conductive when illuminating power density increased, which qualifies the film for photovoltaic applications.