Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], hybrids grown widely in India are all based on A1 CMS source. Though alternative sources of CMS were available and found to be highly stable, their utility is restricted due to non-availability of suitable restorers. The investigation on fertility restoration reaction of the various lines revealed that out of the 105 lines, 38 exhibited satisfactory (> 60%) seed setting on A1, 63 (50%) on A4 cytoplasm and 47 lines (44.76%) on A5 cytoplasm, acted as restorers. The frequency of restoration on A4 cytoplasm was quite high compared to A1 and A5 indicating the possibility of developing hybrids on A4 source. Among the three sources of male sterility the seed set percentage was highest on A1 (78.51) followed by A4 (76.10) and A5 (68.72) in kharif season. However, during summer only on A4 source the seed set per cent was> 70%. The proportion of restorers exhibiting> 80% seed set was highest on A4 followed by A5 and A1 across kharif and summer seasons. The mean seed set percentage (across the seasons) on A4 was highest (73.50%) followed by on A1 (71.60%) and 66.60% on A5.