At hatching, the gut cells of Sparus aurata are quite undifferentiated; however, slight ultrastructural differences can already be distinguished between the presumptive intestinal regions. The hindgut cells are more differentiated than midgut cells and the rectal cells show rather particular ultrastructural features. During days 1 (D1) and 2 (D2) after hatching, major changes occur that lead to full differentiation of the epithelial cells. Shortly before the onset of exogenous feeding (D3), the anterior intestine enterocytes can synthesize lipoprotein particles (LP) from endogenous lipids. The posterior intestine enterocytes show morphological features indicating a role in absorption and intracellular digestion of nutrients, whereas the rectal cells do not. Transient ciliated cells occur at hatching (D0) in the presumptive intestine, except in the caudal rectum, and disappear at the start of the late endotrophic phase about 3 days after hatching (D3). At hatching, very scarce enteroendocrine and leucocyte‐like cells are found at the base of the gut epithelium. Their number increases throughout development. At D3 (late endotrophic phase), LP synthesized mainly in the periblast invade the circulatory system, interstitial spaces of the subepithelial tissue and intercellular spaces of the gut epithelium. When the endo‐exotrophic phase begins (D4), the enterocytes can absorb exogenous food. Acid phosphatase activity was detected in microvilli, pical vacuoles and Golgi complex in both anterior and posterior enterocytes, as well as in supranuclear vacuoles (SNV) of posterior enterocytes, but not in the apical tubulovesicular system (TVS). During the exotrophic phase, large lipid droplets (LD) are found in anterior enterocytes, and the SNV occupy a large cell volume in posterior enterocytes. LP accumulate first in extracellular spaces and then are transferred to the circulatory system. Mucous and rodlet cells appear in the intestinal epithelium during the exotrophic phase, from D15.