Flooding events cause economical, social and environmental damage and lives loss. This fact increases the negative potential of alluvial floods all over the world. Understanding of flood hazard is the first step for Flood risk management. River Rioni is a frequently flooded populated region with developing infrastructure. Flood risk management strategies have not been developed for this region for many years and there is no spatial planning approach for regional development. This research aims to the flood hazard assessment for Rioni River. An incorporated hydrological modeling approach for hazard assessment for Rioni River has been adopted in this research. The steps involved during research can be broadly divided into following parts historical flood events database have been collected and magnitude frequency relationship have been defined by analyzing the hydrological data with statistical evaluation of the events. The second step involved modeling of events with chosen return periods using SOBEK1D2D hydrodynamic model. DTM was generated by combining the natural and manmade terrain. The flood simulation for selected return periods were generated for 10, 25, 50, and 100 y. The model was calibrated based on varying Manning’s friction coefficient within the channel to gain the best results using observed data for 1987 y flood even and flood hazard map have been generated for the region. Next the mitigation measure strategy has been developed for investigated region and hazard maps for different mitigation measure strategies were prepared.