This work investigates the flow structure development due to injecting water into the annulus of heavy oil pipe flow. Numerical simulation of the axisymmetric core annular turbulent flow is carried out using the standard k–ω model. The flow field and flow characteristics are investigated using FLUENT 6.3.26. The core annular flow of heavy oils-water in 15.24 cm diameter pipe, with three core diameters is considered. The influence of flow parameters upon the development of axial and radial velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent intensity, and strain rate profiles are investigated.
Results show that flow development depends on the core to outer diameters ratio, oil viscosity, flow velocity, and water loading ratio. As oil's viscosity increases, flow structure develops faster towards fully developed one. Fully developed velocity profiles show uniform distribution in oil's core, while all velocity changes occur in water flowing in pipe annulus. The flow in the core region seems to be as rigid body carried by annular water flow. It has been demonstrated that major changes in flow structure occur at the oil-water interface.