The necessity to strengthen the social responsibility of the state, local communities and business in solving the issues connected with ensuring the sufficient level of the society's ecological safety is substantiated. The increased attention of the state to the financial provision of realizing measures aimed at protecting the natural environment at the expense of the state budget is noted. It is established that during the investigated period, the most cost-effective in the total amount of environmental expenditures of the country is the processing industry (25.4%), communal services (20.7%), energy, gas and steam supply (19.5%), and also extractive industry (20.7%). Taking into account the aggravation of ecological state of the environment in Ukraine in general and in certain regions, in particular, it is noted that the improvement of the mechanism of the state regional financial policy in the process of ensuring the proper level of financing of ecological measures, balanced nature use and the natural environment preservation takes on special significance. The emphasis is on the fact that the Zhytomyr region, along with other regions, has similar ecological problems, such as polluting the environment with domestic waste, polluting the air, deteriorating the surface and groundwater quality, depleting agricultural land, etc., and some territories must also overcome negative consequences caused by the Chornobyl accident. The dynamics of the local budget expenditures of Zhytomyr region for the protection of the environment is analyzed. It is established that, despite the growth of absolute financing parameters, the share of the ecological component in the overall cost structure is insignificant and does not exceed 1%. It is determined that the main directions of implementing the state regional policy in the field of environmental protection should be the distribution of measures and corresponding costs between the state, local, corporate and individual levels. It is noted that the synergistic effect of their combination will ensure the harmonious development of society in the context of global transformations, improving the quality and safety of life.