Researchers ofagricultural economics use much the Cobb'Douglas profitfunction as a one ofquantitative methods. This article examines it to analyzeeconomic efficiency in term oftechnical and price efficiency in the case offermented soybeancake industry as a member and non member of cooperative (KOPTI). The results show both industries have no difference in technical and price efficiency. Sofar, those industries do not get maximum profit because the cooperative does, not maximize in servicing its members.
Penggunaan fungsi keuntungan Cobb-Douglas (CD) untuk menduga efisiensi ekonomi relatif telah populer di'kalangan para peneliti. Fungsi ini dikembangkan oleh Lau dan Yotopoulos (1971, 1972). Beberapa penelitian di Indonesia yang menggunakan model ini antara lain terhadap perkebunan kelapa sawit (Saragih, I980), pada usaha tani pad!(Sugianto, 1982), dan pada usaha ayam temak (Yusdja, 1983).