Radiation is important in dental science as it is used in both diagnostic and also in treatment issues. The teeth are every single day exposed to a significant amount of wear due to remaining hard particles from food and tooth brushing or even due to the contact with the other teeth. Dental restorations are widely used to correct the damage caused by this wear. In this study, it is aimed to determine the radiation shielding properties of the dosimetric materials which are namely hydroxyapatite (HAP) and urethane di(meth)acrylates (UDMAs). The linear attenuation coefficients of dosimetric materials were calculated using GAMOS (Geant4-based Architecture for Medicine-Oriented Simulations) Monte Carlo simulation code. The obtained results were also compared with the calculation done using XCOM. The mean free path (mfp), half value length (HVL), and tenth value length (TVL) have also been obtained. The highest LAC value was obtained for S2 sample for 511, 662, 835, 1173, 1275, and 1332 keV energies (0.170, 0.149, 0.133, 0.112, 0.108, and 0.105 cm−1, respectively) and the lowest LAC values were obtained for S3 sample for 511, 662, 835, 1173, 1275, and 1332 keV gamma energies (0.102, 0.091, 0.082, 0.069, 0.066, and 0.065 cm−1, respectively).