especially for the high solar concentration systems that directly convert the solar energy into
thermal or electrical energy. High degree of sun-tracking accuracy is required to ensure that
the solar collector is capable of harnessing the maximum solar energy throughout the day.
High concentration solar power systems, such as central receiver system, parabolic trough,
parabolic dish etc, are the common in the applications of collecting solar energy. In order to …
Azimuth-elevation and tilt-roll tracking mechanism are among the most commonly used sun-
tracking methods for aiming the solar collector towards the sun at all times. It has been many
decades that each of these two sun-tracking methods has its own specific sun-tracking
formula and they are not interrelated. In this paper, the most general form of sun-tracking
formula that embraces all the possible on-axis tracking methods is presented. The general
sun-tracking formula not only can provide a general mathematical solution, but more …