Germinability and seedling vigour of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seeds inoculated with Aspergillus flavus and Rhizopus nigricans were investigated in a germination chamber and in plastic pots in a screen house at Federal University of Technology (FUT), Minna. The seeds were pre-inoculated with the fungi for 72 h and 0 h before sowing and compared with those applied with Seedplus® 30WS fungicide. The experiment which involved completely randomised design had eight treatments in three replicates. It was confirmed in the germination chamber that seeds inoculated with A. flavus+ R. nigricans for 72 h before sowing had the lowest percentage germination (20%) at 8 DAS while the uninoculated seeds (control) had the highest (87%). In the pot at 20 DAS, seeds applied with combined A. flavus and R. nigricans for 72 h before sowing had the least seedling vigour index (0.38) while the uninoculated control had the highest vigour index (1.89). Though the presence of A. flavus+ R. nigricans on physic nut seeds adversely affected germination and seedling vigour, seed-dressing with Seedplus® significantly reduced the pathogenic effect of the fungi. There is need for confirmation of this experiment under field condition in different agroecological conditions.