Relations between Albania and Kosovo in recent years have intensified significantly. This is seen in the volume of economic cooperation agreements, political and social, in joint meetings between the Governments of the two countries, the volume of trade exchanges, the export-import, the volume of mutual investments etc. Kosovo after 2000 and especially after 2008, the year of the declaration of independence recognized satisfactory growth rates of the Economic. In the years 2009-2012 there were no obvious consequences to the economic downturn as a result of the global recession. Kosovo in terms of GDP ranks 146th (CIA) in the world. While GDP per capita according to the CIA ranks 104 out of 187 countries worldwide. In the paper are analyzed the main branches in February Kosovo economy such as agriculture, industry and services. We have also provided some of the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators. Albanian economy from 2009 onward has been positive indicators of GDP but the downward trend, the inflation rate has been stabilized according to CB's forecasts and unemployment has recorded high levels, ranging from 12.8-13.5%. Regarding GDP, Albania is ranked 125 (CIA) in the world. GDP per capita, according to the CIA, Albania is ranked 100. Has a higher GDP than Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro. For Albanian we have given a summary of economic indicators and analyzed the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators. Following are analyzed economic relations between Albania and Kosovo. Macroeconomic indicators are presented to show their condition. Further consideration is given to the possibility of proliferation and deepening of economic relations. In the end we made a summary of the issues addressed in the paper and give some recommendations that are to be taken into consideration by the Governments of the two countries.