Medicinal and Aromatic plants form a numerically large group of economically important plants which provide basic raw materials for medicines, perfumes, flavours and cosmetics etc. Kalmegh is an important medicinal plant. It has been effectively used in traditional Asian medicines. A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2017 & 2018 at Medicinal Plants Research and Development Centre (MRD C) of GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand) to study the effect of application of Organic and different doses of Nitrogen on growth attributes viz: Plant height (cm), number of branches per plant, Number of leaves per plant and dry matter accumulation (g/m2) of Kalmegh. Results revealed that, among, application of different organic manures, higher growth attributes were recorded in the plots treated with Vermicompost@ 5 t/ha over poultry manure@ 5 t/ha & no organic manure application (Control) while among application of different Nitrogen doses, increasing growth trend of kalmegh was observed in the plots treated with 75 (37.5+ 37.5) Kg N/ha in to 2 splits (First as basal and second as top dress at 25 DAT) and 75 kg N as basal followed by 50 and 0 kg nitrogen per hectare with same P and K.