Today, we are witnessing the growth of population and increasing the development of industries along with increasing the production of hazardous waste which should be reduced, using suitable methods. Leachate is a strong wastewater with high organic load and heavy metals (1) which are mainly produced during waste collection, transfer and disposal (2). Nowadays, the problems arising from the heavy metals in landfill leachate have always been important issues (3). Heavy metals can be concentrated in food chains and cause adverse effects on humans healthy and environment (4). Therefore, in order to prevent destructive effects, the leachate must be treated to reach its discharge standards before disposal (3). Also, an accurate management of the leachate containing heavy metals as one of the contaminants of water resources is very critical. An important step in proper leachate treatment is determination of heavy metal concentration. Since leachate quality varies in different landfill sites, they must be studied separately to achieve an appropriate treatment method (5, 6).