Hybrids, utilizing six diverse genotypes Arka Lohit, MDU Y, S 1, Arka Abir, Bydagi Kaddi and Co 4 were evaluated for general and specific combining ability, variance components and standard heterosis. Among the lines Bydagi Kaddi, MDUY and Arka Abir were found to be good general combiners for yield and quality characters. The estimates of gca and sca variance for all the characters except for leaf area index, dry yield per hectare and capsaicin suggested preponderance of additive gene action than non additive. The cross combination MDU Y Co 4 had desirable significant sca effects for yield and quality characters namely fresh yield, dry yield, total extractable colour and capsaicin. The estimates of heterosis over best parent ranged from 40.35 to 126.32 percent for the character dry yield per hectare. In the present study based on per se performance, heterosis and sca effects, the hybrids Bydagi Kaddi Arka Abir and MDU Y Co 4 were found superior in respect of total extractable colour, low capsaicin besides dry yield and contributing characters.